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Minutes of the Meeting of Little Compton Parish Council Meeting held on

Monday 20 September 2010 at 7.00 pm



Present: Cllrs Gillett, Moorman, Ashford, Brandreth and Rudge.

Parish Clerk Susan Cox, Stratford District Councillor Gray, Warwickshire Cllr Saint and 15 members of the public.


1. Declarations of Interest – there were none.


2. Apologies for absence – there were none.


3. Minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2010, previously circulated

The following amendments to the minutes were made

7.8 To read …culvert grid under Malthouse Lane….

9 to read ….to trim the sides only of the hedges in the new part,


4. Matters Arising from the minutes

4.1 Village Noticeboard – It was reported that Cllr Brandreth has carried out repairs.

4.2 Sand supply – The Clerk has obtained a further supply, stored at Redlands Farm.

4.3 England Flag outside Juxon Bungalows – The Clerk reported that a flag attached to a property contravenes planning regulations, but is awaiting a reply regarding a flagpole.

16.1 The three extra grit bins have been sited. The Clerk will request that they be filled.

16.5 Dog Fouling –a sample letter from the Stratford DC Dog Warden will be customized and issued when necessary.

10 Cherry Tree removal at Red Lion – The Clerk is still awaiting information from the Highways Department.

4 Cllr Rudge reported that the Such family had oiled the benches in the cemetery. The second bench had originally been wrongly treated and is discolored. They will apply another coat to two of the benches.

16.3 Highways Department had been contacted regarding the overhanging lime trees and the holly bushes at Langston Farm. The Clerk will contact Highways Department again.



5. Date of next meeting – Monday 22 November 2010


6. Reports from County Cllr Saint and District Cllr Gray


Warwickshire County Councillor Saint reported that he will chase up culvert works on the A44. The funding has been agreed and work should have been started by now.

The Stratford DC Dog Warden, Sophie Peacock will be at the next Stratford DC Forum meeting on 30 November at Ettington.

Cllr Saint has made representations to the gritting team, advising them that they were not carrying through their policy by not gritting through the village. He has received a positive response from the team.

The Police priorities for the next few months include speed checks on the A44. Results will be reported back to the next Community Forum.

A consultation has been held on concessionary bus passes. Responsibility has been passed from the District to County Council. See Warwickshire CC website for consultation.

Annual Electric Blanket testing is due to take place in October.


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Stratford District Councillor Gray reported reviews on spending leading to possible budget cuts. Over the past three years natural wastage has led to a cut in staffing costs of approximately 20%. The structure of the senior posts and property is being evaluated.

Possible four yearly elections are being looked into and any change may have an affect on Parish elections.

Both Councillors are governors of local primary schools. There are consultation talks to amalgamate Long Compton and Shipston Primary schools with one head and a shared Board of Governors. There will be a small financial benefit and gains from sharing resources.



7. Social Housing

The plot of land behind Jordans Orchard, owned by Peter Brandreth will no longer be available for any social housing use.

Phil Ward, Housing Enabler had made two proposals:

1. To hold a public drop in event with displays and information

2. Mr Ward is investigating feasibility of mixed tenure development, social and local market housing.

Cllr Moorman read a letter from a villager in favour of a future housing development. Cllr Rudge had undertaken a survey of the existing housing stock which showed 114 houses. Of these 21 are Housing Association properties, 12 owned by Reed Business School, 14 privately rented, the remainder being owner occupied.

Cllr Rudge stated her wish to discuss with the Housing Association that when properties become vacant, more of the village Housing Association stock should be offered to people with a local connection. Councillors agreed with this action and Cllr Gray agreed to ask the District Council if there could be any change to the existing procedure.


Councillors voted on whether to proceed with a further social housing project at this time. Voting was 2 for and 3 against. The Clerk will inform Phil Ward.



8. Questions and comments from the public


Mr Evans reported an allocation of 10 trees or 100 whips from the District Council. Details will be in Centrepoint and suggestions for their location are invited.

Mr McLean reported that the Stratford DC website has the information that a national flag may be flown on a flagpole without planning permission.

Mr McLean requested that Dog Waste Bin s be placed in strategic locations in the village.

Mr McLean requested that Councillors speak louder in order that they may be heard by the public.

Lady Sarah Fraser Nash suggested that Cllrs Gillett and Ashford swap areas of responsibility as Cllr Ashford walks the village roads each day. The Chairman will consider this suggestion.

Cllr Moorman reported on correspondence she had received regarding speeding on the A44, asking what could be done to slow down drivers especially at Newtown where a serious accident had occurred the previous week. Cllr Saint offered to speak with the road safety team to see if anything could be done. There will be a cost involved in any measures. The Clerk will write to Chris Burrows at Warwickshire CC outlining the concerns of the Parish Council. Neighbourhood Watch have speed tracking devices which could be used from time to time. The malfunctioning 50 mph flashing signs have been reported a number of times.


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Mr Evans reported that the grass bank opposite his house has been eroded, leaving only a verge of 2.5 feet. The Chairman reported that the Highways Department are aware of this.

Mr Evans asked if the Parish Council required a wreath for Remembrance Sunday, approximate price £15-£20. This was agreed.

Cllr Rudge asked if the quarry at the top of Oakham Road had been asked to trim their hedge. The Clerk had previously put in the request and will follow this up.



9. Cemetery

Cllr Ashford thanked Cllr Rudge for assistance with drawing up the plan for burials and Mr Evans for arranging the Queens Jubilee sign on the gate. Details of field and other drains are awaited. The ashes interment area will be an extension of that in the older part of the cemetery. Graves will follow the layout of the older part and will allow for approximately 158 interments. Spacing will be 150cm from the centre of one headstone to the next.

The revised maintenance quotation from Mr Didcote was read to Councillors.

The Cotswold Warden service will assist with hedge laying at a future time to be arranged.

A safety check will be undertaken.

Cllr Ashford asked if funds could be made available for tidying the bottom entrance. The Clerk will seek authorization from the Highways Department.

Cllr Ashford warned the public that there had been three separate sightings of adders.

Mr Bamford said that drainage problems emanated from the field entrance at the top of the cemetery. Mr Peter Green, Reed Business School is dealing with this.

Mr Didcote had notified the Clerk of a dead cherry tree and a branch which needed lopping. Mr Evans, Tree Warden agreed to look at these.

Cllr Rudge asked about the white concrete placed near the bottom entrance. The Chairman replied that the residents of Jordans Orchard had placed it to deter parking on their wild flower patch. It was agreed this could now be removed.



Councillors discussed current fees which were already in excess of other local cemeteries. It was agreed not to increase fees at this time. The Clerk will inform local undertakers that burials could now take place.

Reservations would now be invited.



10. Flood Prevention/Road Repairs

The Clerk reported that during the recent heavy rain, water at Redlands Corner appeared to be running away well.

Potholes have been reported and have been repaired.


11. Playground report

Cllr Moorman reported a few bolt covers missing. Mr Gorst holds a stock of these. The swing seats are cracked. It was agreed to wait for the annual inspection before taking any action. Toddler swings would be more useful but are prohibitively expensive to install.

The goalpost top is missing, but this is Mr Reed’s responsibility.


12. Annual Audit

The Parish Council had been one of the 2% selected to submit extra paperwork this year. Having consulted with Mr Cooper, Internal Auditor regarding this extra paperwork, The Clerk had forwarded what was to hand and reported that due to the size and limited transactions, it had not been deemed necessary to formalize the situation with the

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Internal Auditor.

The Auditors were unhappy with this situation. The Clerk suggested that a procedure should be set in motion to formalize future audits. In November discussions should take place on who the Parish Council would like to appoint as Internal Auditor and subsequent paperwork should follow. In May the Parish Council should review the Internal Audit and its effectiveness. Councillors agreed these procedures should be set in motion.


13. Approval of expenditure *Paid

*Cheque 100621 – D Didcote £660.00


Cheque 100622 – Travis Perkins sand £52.88

100623 – Gill & Co Danish Oil £13.50

100624 – BT Broadband £64.46


£129.25 for Cemetery Plaque

£158.63 for Audit Fee

£341.13 for Clerks Salary


Mr Evans had submitted an invoice for girders inside the Cemetery gates For the sum of £393.63, but was unsure that this was not included in a previous bill. It was agreed the Clerk should pay this amount if it was due.


The Council was still holding £3,200 grant money for works at Redlands Corner. Councillors agreed the Clerk should repay this amount when invoiced by the contractor.



14 Correspondence *previously circulated

*Clerks & Councils Direct

*District Council Open Day 23 September



15. Planning Applications


10/01111/FUL Browns Barn

SDC APPROVAL reads: Change of use of barn to house plants, equipment, nursery plants and also fodder and specialist feedstuffs for animals.


Cllr Rudge reported that the application details had changed from previously. The shop has no planning permission and the planning officer’s view was that the shop would complicate the application further. The situation is being monitored and the subject of the shop will probably come up at a later date.


10/01452/VARY Building Behind 4 Redlands Row

SDC Approval reads: Variation of condition No 1 of Planning Permission

82/00843/FUL for use of building/garage in association of adjacent orchard



There have been two previous planning applications on this property. It had been

erected without planning permission and there was a condition that it was used in

conjunction with 4 Redlands Row. Subsequently 4 Redlands Row was sold without

the building. Retrospective planning was sought to use the building in conjunction

with the orchard. The Parish Council objected on the grounds that proper

procedure had not been followed. However, planning permission had been

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The only properties able to use the drive this building/garage shares are those occupied by

Lady Sarah Fraser-Nash, Mr & Mrs Wimmer in Redlands Row and Mr & Mrs Gorst,

Orchard Cottage. No4 Redlands Row no longer has access to this drive for delivery

of oil.



10/01696/LDE Salters Well Farm – Use of 3 Parcels of land as domestic

garden for a period of 10 years or more.


The Parish Council supports this application providing the bridleway and public footpath access is maintained.


08/02757/FUL – Graze Cottage – A non-material amendment to change some of the windows – no Parish Council comment required.


10/01933/TPO- 2 Rivington Glebe – shortening of Yew Tree – Details to be circulated.




16 Other Business


1. Cllr Rudge would like to attend a course on Responding to Planning Applications. Funding the cost of £25 to be discussed at next meeting.


2. Cllr Ashford said there was still a tree across the ditch at the layby on the A44. The Clerk had reported this and will do so again. The metal fence at the brook also needs straightening.



The meeting closed at 8.55 pm


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