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LC PC AGAR Annual Report 2019-20

LC PC AGAR Annual Report

Annual Accounts 2019-20

Annual Accounts 2019-2020

Parish Council Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2019

Hello Villagers

Hope you are enjoying the sunshine.

Below are the links to the documents outlining the annual accounts for the villages Parish Council and some information relevant to that, with regards to your rights.

Parish Council Annual Governance & Accountability Return

Parish council accounts 2018 – 2019

Parish Council Accounts-Summary of Your Rights


Parish Council Accounts Accounts-Summary of Your Rights

Parish Council Accounts Accounts-Summary of Your Rights

LC PC Accounts 2018/19

Parish Council Accounts 2018/19

Parish council Minutes for May 2019

Use this link to access he minutes for May 2019

Parish Council Meeting Minutes available

October 18 2018 / January 19 2019

October 18

January 19

November Centrepoint

Click here to view this months Centrepoint

Agenda for next PC meeting 15/10/2018

Click here for the agenda

Minutes from the Little Compton PC meeting held on 18/07/2018

Click here to view the minutes